Thursday, September 13, 2007

I didn't realize that....

the Friend's Cafe was located in Amsterdam.


Jammin said...


Trish said...

Wha? *blink*

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

We're in a hamster dam?? Is that why there are so few people commenting in here - they're all blocked up somewhere? And since when do hamsters build dams? It must take an awful lot of them, and I thought only beavers did that. Or are you thinking of lemmings? Lemmings are suicidal, and I guess if too many of them jumped in the water they could build up somewhere, but I have yet to see any dead rodents float by of any kind, nor have I seen any hamsters in hardhats carrying blueprints, eating donuts and drinking coffee, shouting orders at one another while one works and 19 supervise.

In other words, you've just joined the long-sleeve jacket society, since you've managed to confuse everyone but yourself. Congratulations!

And besides, everyone knows that Friend's Cafe is in somewhere-over-the-rainbow, riding on the tail of a unicorn, sprinkling moon dust and camel juice on all the good little people of Pelloxia! Duh!

gagknee said...

amsterdam being a place where its legal to imbibe in "recreationals" as you put it.