Sunday, October 03, 2010

Which Side Of The Brain Do You Favor?

We haven't done questions for a long, long time, so I figured I'd start one up again, and see what happens.

So which side of the brain do you tend to operate off of?  Most of you lean toward either the right or the left.  I know one is supposed to be the smarty-pants side, and the other is supposed to be the arty-pants side.  I don't know which is which, but I'm sure someone can fill me in on that.  Me?  I have too many sides to pick, cause they are all always bickering and fighting and mud wrestling and trying to win campaigns, so I've stopped trying to figure out which is which.  But I'd love to hear what the rest of you have to say, so that I don't have to listen to one more argument with myself.

Basically, tell us your talents!  What are you good at?  This is no time for modesty!  Speak up and give us something positive to think about you!

(Imagine that, Jammin!  Someone thinking positive about you!)

wink wink nudge nudge if you like it hold a grudge...


Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Well, of course my disposition is toward the intellectual side of the brain, which is equadistant from the rational side in a proportion of three to the first power, with the chemical composition of....

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Oh, will you shut up, you blatherin' geekazoid? No one wants to hear about pie charts and powers and chemical whatevers. We all know who rules, and that's me. I'm tough, and don't give a begonia 'bout nothin'. So take that calculator and....

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Now, now, boyz! No fighting, please! Can't we all just get along and share things equally? There's no need for all this fuss. let's all just sing that happy song I've been trying to teach you! Oh, c'mon now - put the bag and the rope down. And the cement block. There's no need for...

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Ahhh, but ahl ov ewe ees so terribleh wrong. You weel never be in ze po-si-tion zat I ahm een, never een a hundred yee-ars, becauze ewe have ze creativitee uf a dead termyte! Ewe have ze talent uf a croissant! Eef I gave ewe a mirror und a steeck, ewe could not find ewer own....

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Ooo! Oooo!!! OOoooo!!! My turn! My turn! My turn! Whatarewetalkinaboutabout? CanIhaveturn?! Wheresthecoffee?!! OOOoo!! Oooo! Pick me! Pick me! Nope! Cantdo it! Gottago! Timesup!!! Gottarun! Lotstodo!!!

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Well, I'm sure that there is a rational explanation for all of this nonsense, and we just need to stop and consider the possiblities and sort them out. If we all concentrate on the problem at hand, I'm sure we'll find the answer right there staring us in the face the whole time. Just look into this scenario with me...

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Yup, it goes on and on. I hit the mute button, so it the rest of y'alls turn if you want one. Ciao, baby!

Bubbaloo Magoo said...


Uh huh.

Mmm hmmm.
