'Twas three months before Christmas, when all through the BLOG
Not a creature was stirring, 'cept the BINCH with his monologue;
The BINCH hated silence, and one liners too;
He craved much more than just a "How do you do?",
He set his mind to a thought and his hand to the pen;
To persuade the"fiends" to state where they had been,
It started out nice and quite simple at first;
But he couldn't hold back as his eagerness burst.
With brow set low and lips tightly pursed,
The BINCH started to blog that which was rehearsed.
He whined and he binched to all that would read,
Hoping that someone would finally take heed,
To all that he wrote and to all that he said,
It was very clear how far up he was fed.
Slight zingers were flung, tho not quite witty,
But he had a good point which in truth is a pity.
For most had gone with nary a word,
It is this that the BINCH did find most absurd.
For as all would read and none shared a thought,
The crankier, the crankier the 'ole BINCH got.
Weeks would go by, and to give credit where due.
DBAGEEK and sometimes BOBBIE REALS too,
Would respond or post a blog to be read,
Which helped give the blog life when all was said.
Which wasn't enough for the grouchy old BINCH.
It all seems to remind me of another mean grinch.
He seems to sit each night in the glow of his screen,
Growlin and scowlin and getting more mean.
Sitting at his desk with his fingers on the keys,
Typing as furiously as one would please.
Thinking to say this, and thinking to say that,
Even disagreeing with one bloggers new cat.
Many a time while writing a post,
He would not even say what he wanted to most.
But here and there, the words slipped and were lost,
It sometimes seemed offensive, but maybe he was just sauced;
Deciding to hide and make a new identity,
Undercover he went, as Guinness he would be.
Looking for TISH, LORINO, or CHRIS as it were,
Even from ALAN not even a stir!
The BINCH did not like this, as he became quite mad.
But the true root of it all was that he was quite sad;
A "friend" is more than a word here or there,
Even more is a Christian who should really care;
Some talk the walk, and or walk the talk.
Which truly is the worst form of mock.
So maybe with the new year abreast,
We could all quickly write with a lil more zest;
Resolved to question why it is that we read,
When communication is not really something we need;
Resolve to write something a new, tell me something that you might do.
DBA, fill us in on your son too, what is he now, maybe two?
LORINO, and RUTH, how do u do?
I hope that you all have not taken up ill.
I hope that you haven't decided to ditch.
Any one else was not meant left out,
BUT, let me tell you what I was thinking about.
By this we all might inherently set out to do,
To make the BINCH happy again from his moody goo.
At this time of season think of all good cheer,
The closer to JESUS we could draw near.
Draw closer together with all of our might.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Posted by
12:24 AM
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Merry Christmas from Fort Worth, TX!! It's supposed to be in the 60's and should be beautiful!!
O, your words have not only caused me to hurl uncontrollably into the nearest trash can leaving me with pains and aches and a fuzzy-feeling taste in my mouth, but after brushing my teeth with muriatic acid and gargling with a gallon of Listerine, I am a changed GINCH! I see the true meaning of three months before Christmas, and will change my grouchy ways! I will be patient, and kinder to those less fortunate than me. I will show a compassion for the smaller creatures, except for cats, even though I don't remember the reference you're referring to, but cats started first by making me allergic to them, so there's nothing I can do about that anyway. But I will be kinder to those of the Bloggosphere and be more understanding of their situations! O, the joy of the Holidays! O, Tiny Tom, and all others, Merry Christmas, one and all!!!
Oh, who the heck am I kidding. Just stuff it. Don't quit your day job trying to rhyme, and why is my name in caps anyway?! Is this another sausage reference? Because if it is, you can just stuff it. And not in the way you're thinking. Binch, my foot. I'll binch even more if you make me hurl like that again....
Nice to hear from you, Soccerdude! Fill us in! And Merry Christmas! And tell your bro to do the same! And Merry Christmas to you, Jammin, you crazy whack....
I loved this. Merry Christmas, guys. Sorry I haven't said much lately, there's a lot going on around here, family and other. I hope you had a great Christmas. We need to catch up, for real.
soccerkcs and trish! great to hear from you both! you to binch....lol. anything for a good laugh. hope all of you had a nice Christmas and can u believe we are looking at '08???? unbelievable!!!
I'm not sure what year this is anyway - I must be sauced. I get sauced every night with the Binch. We went to Binching school together. They taught us how to get sauced. I'll bet you didn't know you needed a diploma to get sauced, did you? Well, you do. That's what it says on the back of my Saucy Diploma: "Must be a Binching graduate, or a son of a Binch, in order to get sauced. Please display this Binchin diploma in a visible location." Therefore, I'm in the sauce every night, and have lost track of what year it is. And just FYI, barbeque sauce is my sauce of choice. The Binch prefers sweet and sour, which I like, but it doesn't always agree with me. I also love a good honey-mustard. But at the moment, I'm saucing in a duck sauce. So lick me.
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