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Monday, September 17, 2007
Posted by
Bubbaloo Magoo
9:35 PM
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give me a call today...let me know how he is doing.
someone you know?
Brian, who was the boy that was beat?? I know Rob Munson, my brother in law works with him at the PPD. Yikes, that is utterly horrible.
To answer your questions, I have to be somewhat vague, but you'll catch on.
Yes it was someone I know. Jammin knows him as well. Due to his age, he's not supposed to be named, but let's just say that I had to miss more than half a day at work yesterday.
Also, you should read all the comments below the article. Make sure you click the "view all" link, there are many comments. Despite some of the morons who put vulgar and extremely stupid comments, there are a few true ones - interesting reading anyway, though not all makes sense, but people do like to ramble.
There are also a few more articles on the website now, so check them out as well, along with the comments.
Regardless, the article leaves out many facts:
The "victim" threw the first punch.
The "victim", against the advice of someone very close to him (the point was stressed many times to avoid trouble, avoid the problem, or try to smooth things over by apologizing or trying to clear up any misunderstandings), actually went looking for the trouble he got himself into. Twice. The first time one of the "assailants" walked away and left the school grounds for lunch. The second time, said "victim" was outside waiting for him to get back, along with other "friends", and confronted him again then threw the first punch. SAID "FRIENDS" HAD ADVISED HIM TO DO SO.
Don't get me wrong - as alot of the "edumacated" commenters say, this was dead wrong. He was down and out, and two of them kept kicking away. WRONG. But it all could have easy been avoided. The three "thugs" did not randomly pick a target and for kicks just beat on him.
Next, the "victim" had 4 stitches in the corner of his mouth, three inside his mouth, and some scrapes and abrasions. No head trauma, and the hospital time took almost 4 hours only because they had a critical emergency at the same time which occupied the doctor on the floor until another doc could arrive. Today, he is just fine, and has already been ok'd to go back to school, only now he can't because he has a 5 day suspension, due to the fact he started the fight. He also has to do community service.
Finally, AND THIS IS ONLY HEARSAY AT THE MOMENT, it has been mentioned that the video not only shows that the center of said "victim's" anger (Z), not only did NOT punch back, BUT WAS ALSO SHOWN ON THE SCHOOL CAMERA TO HAVE TRIED TO PULL OFF ONE OF THE BEATERS - ONE OF HIS FRIENDS! How is that for irony?
My point being in all this, don't believe everything you read - there are always AT LEAST two sides to each story. I could give details all night, but mostly, things are definitly not as bad as the paper made it sound, there are no winners in this one. I feel for the parents of the three "thugs" - think of what they have to deal with. Think of how many lives have been affected by one person not thinking, not using his head, not acting on sound advice, taking the advice of others who basically set him up. Reminds me of the Old Testament Bible story - about the king who got advice from the older advisors, rejected it, took the advice of his "friends" instead - got into trouble - you know the one.
If I think of anything else to add, I'll write more later - I'm pretty frazzled at this point. And IG, both Munson and Arnold seemed to be great officers. Arnold works in "reacreational substance apprehension" - my father-in-law knows him - do you?
Anyway, final thought - good luck in the teenage years, all. Each one is different, and you never know how things will turn out, no matter what you do. At least now we know why those of Methuselah's generation lived so long, and ours don't. Hmmmm. Teens may even be the cause of cancer - it's an avenue to research anyway.
Night all, and don't worry about it - all will work out, hopefully lessons will be learned, and if not, idiots will pay their own consequences. And above all, don't believe all you read!
we had fights all the time in my two years at somersworth high.
jeez. we had fights all the time when i was in elementary school at horne st in dover.
nobody ever made such a big deal out of it back then.
i miss the 80s.
sorry if i seem callous. i don't mean to be, but i think stuff gets blown out proportion.
men (and boys) fight. if i wasn't afraid of getting sued i'd walk next door and jack bauer my neighbor until he promised to clean up his trash.
true...gagknee....ur not callous. If you wanna start a fight, or cant walk away from it, you'd better have the money in the bank to back up the check youre writing. BUT stupid decisions to start a fight one cant win, deserves a good hard lesson, but doesnt excuse the cowards who kept kicking and punching anyone when they are already down, nevermind out cold. not to mention the cowards standing around. Either they set it up, or they were cowards by not stopping it in my book. What ever happened to honor?! If your opponent is down, you won. If he gets up knock him down again until he gets it or kicks your butt. But NOT WHILE ONE is down. COWARDICE PUNKETTES? I think so. The victim/knucklehead in this situation is lucky that he's not in a wheel chair or worse. Hopefully the "knucklehead/victim" in this situation learned a lesson. If he didnt, hit him again with some soap in a sock. Just make it in the torso. wont show bruises so much. JK
Oh man, Brian :( I'm so sorry, I'm glad he's ok, though. Unbelievable how quickly things can get out of hand. I'll keep you guys in my prayers.
Of course, you are both very correct. I have only gotten into one fight in my entire life, and that was in JH in Indiana, and was with my best friend, over something stupid. I punched him 3 times when we were PULLED apart by onlookers, the coaches came in (we were at the end of gym) and asked us if we needed to put on the boxing gloves!! We looked at each other, and both said no, and that was the end of that.
There was just so much wrong with this situation that I think everyone involved gets the "moronic knucklehead award", and it did get blown way out of proportion on many ends. And if knucklehead victim didn't learn his lesson, then "those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it."
But what do I know? I'm just a lowly dad, who doesn't know anything compared to the all-knowing wisdom of today's teens. Duh!
And thanks, IG, the prayers are appreciated, but don't be sorry. I'm not. I can't be there monitoring all the time, but I do what I can, and when someone comes to you for advice, listens, says, "yeah, that makes sense", then does a 100% complete opposite of what he knew he should do, based on the "advice" of "friends" that egged him on and watched, I just can't can't feel sorry. I wasn't even the slightest bit angry. Not a smidge, which was what a certain someone feared. Hurt, yes. Dissapointed, yes. Embarrassed, definitely. Discouraged, yes. But not angry. And if you can't learn from the school of hard knocks, you're in BIG trouble.
So don't worry 'bout it, IG. Pray for his mind and heart, don't worry about the body. That heals much faster and easier than the others. Thanks again.
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