Friday, January 21, 2005

Whats YOUR Point!?

Happy Friday to you all... even to those 'strange' ones who have taken over the site! Chris... excellent job keeping the blogger fresh & new. Here's one for you all. What's your point. Nothing too elaborate, just a one sentence 'point' of the moment, or of the day perhaps.My point of the day: Don't believe everything you think you know.


Bubbaloo Magoo said...

"Only believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear."

"It is easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission."

"Don't knock it 'til you try it."

"What's in YER wallet?!"

I know, that's more than one sentance. And what 'strange' ones?! Are you implying things here? Just because C&B have gotten out, it's not my fault! I am not insane! I only print the truth, and nothing resembling the truth! If I could get my arms free from this long-sleeved jacket, I'd type more, but my toes are getting tired...

Bubbaloo Magoo said...
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dbageek said...

First point - Don't steal someone else's idea - like THIS post :) WHEB morning show anyone?

Mine seem to mostly computer related ...

Stupid people should not be allowed to own computers

The FORWARD button should be removed from all email programs. If you can't take the time to copy and paste (yes, there are people who can't do that) then I don't care to hear from you. AND, I don't care to win a free trip to anywhere if I forward it to 5 friends, or pray for some dying child in South Carolina, or boycott ANYTHING. Leave me alone. As a matter of fact ... don't email me at all.

That's a CD Drive, not a cup holder

Jammin said...

As Dan akroyd's character said in "trading places".......THINK BIG, THINK POSITIVE. NEVER SHOW ANY SIGN OF WEAKNESS. ALWAYS GO FOR THE THROAT. BUY LOW, SELL HIGH. FEAR....THAT'S THE OTHER GUYS PROBLEM. Nice to know that you are alive Jen. HaHA