I was wondering, is it possible to actually post music to a blog page, so that it plays in the background? I did a Google search, searched Blogger, and even signed up at "Radioblogclub.com", but can't seem to find any relevant info. WM player has a blog add-on, but it only posts the info of the music you are listening to at the time onto the blog, not the music. Radioblogclub I can't seem to get the grasp of, and am not sure how that works. Any insight? Shaun? Chris? I know, Ben, you have the video feed thing on yours, but I was looking for just something to play in the background, so that you guys and gals can hear some of what I listen to in the background as you peruse my page. Let me know! And get back to adding comments in here! It's been way too quiet lately!
Friday, January 21, 2005
Tech Support, Please!
Posted by
Bubbaloo Magoo
1:53 PM
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First, it is possible to play music from within a web page, and do it in the background, ie "just play". But there are several issues you'll have to address:
1. It's usually considered very bad style. What if I'm already listening to Sarah McLachlan while I'm browsing, and I come to your page, and your Nikki Simpson song mixes with mine. Be a friendly neighbor.
2. If you decide you want to force your music on your visitors, you still have some issues. First, if you want to play your music in the background, it usually has to be a midi file (that cheesy computer music from the 80's). The reason is that your visitor must download the whole file before he can start playing it (there are ways around that too, but then we get into streaming music)
3. If you know all your visitors have high-speed internet access and you want an MP3 of Nikki Simpson playing in the background (remember, you decided it was ok to annoy them), then you can't automatically play the song, a little player control box gets put on your page, and they have to hit play.
4. Legality. Remember, you just posted an MP3 of Nikki Simpson on the internet for anyone to download, not that they would anyway.
So there you go. If you *really* want to do this, drop me an e-mail or IM, and I'll give you some HTML code to do it.
yeah, and don't even think of doing it here ... I'm with Alan, your choice of music probably doesn't match mine, and I don't want to here it. :) I hate sites that have music on them, everytime you hit the page with music on it, the song restarts and play again. No music for you!
Blog Nazi
Gee Whiz. What a bunch of cranks. I can understand that. What I was kind of thinking was more along the lines of something that was not downloadable, so as not to infringe on copyright and file-sharing ethics, and something where you guys would come and click something to start it, so that you could hear it. Like that Loreena McKennitt song I posted the lyrics to a while back. That's what got me thinking of it.
You don't have to get all Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on me! I think you two need more fiber in your diet or something. Like a couple o' cyber junkyard dogs. Can I put musi....BARK BARK BARK!!! Man! ;)
And besides, I would be the one listening to Sarah M. She's my #1 music babe. I'm even going to see her on my birthday! HA!
For full disclosure purposes, I did a little research and HTML hacking. It is possible to play an MP3 in the background without the player controls, and to automatically start when the page loads.
You still have to host the file somewhere, and anyone can still download it.
It's funny that you mentioned Sarah M. 'cause that's whose song I was using to experiment with to see if I could get it to work!
Well, it sounds like it's got too much involved with it to make it happen on the blog. I know what you mean about annoying websites where the music won't shut up, and don't even mention midis. I was just thinking of something where I could post a song so that everyone could hear it, change it every few days, but not keep it playing all the time, and not make it "copyable". Sounds like that is like having your cake and eating it too, so I'll just let this sleeping dog lie. I don't want an angry mob armed with pitchforks and stones beating down my door. Thanks for the feedback, though! And don't forget fiber! ;)
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