Thursday, January 24, 2008

Note From Sarah

Hey guys! I've been crazy busy for the last (gulp!) 17 years, what with Kyle dragging me all over the place with the Marines, Army Guard, and Air Force. Not that I mind too much, my dad was Air Force--seems normal to me!!! Anyway, I was hoping that I could find the old gang and let 'em know I'm still alive and in Indiana. I tried using Trish's link and e-mail, with no luck--if you have any leads, let me know!

I'm hoping to get Kyle out east to meet you guys--if you can wait till next February when he gets back from Turkey, he'll have some time off to go snowboarding. Please show him some good hills (he got spoiled in Montana, and Indiana is flatter than a pancake).


Jammin said...

Hey Sahara!!! good to hear from you

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

It's kinda like talking to Chris, Jammin - they can't hear you! I think by the time our words reach them, it must look or sound like Arabic or Chinese or something. We'll keep trying, though. Maybe Blogger should do a Kids picture book-style page. Maybe we can reach more that way....

Trish said...

Hey Sarah! My email address is: I'd love to hear from you!