I have proof ... well, sort of. I ate breakfast with him this morning. Like good little rednecks, we met at Denny's for breakfast before he headed off to a meeting he had in Portland.
So, while he may be absent from this blog, Jammin and Graybeard can rest assured he is certainly still alive, he's just TOO busy for us.
I should also comment that Jen P is well and says hi to all. Email and phone once in a while.
I'm alive too! No, really!
Spent 3 weeks in Dallas over the holidays in 70+ degree weather. Back in Denver now, and ready to ski!
i saw jen p once. at the mall. 7 years ago. she is dead to me.
i just heard from Sarah Henderson! She should be joining soon :)
What is it with all of these second-hand commets?! Not only have several people not been in here but have appeared to only choice others, but they are getting those choice others to vouch for them! This is madness! Don't be pawns! Stand up and make them speak for themselves! Grab them by the ear to the nearest wifi and make them type next time!
And then there's Alan....
Disappear for ages, and then pop in here in the middle of winter and say "I'm alive in 70 degree weather nyah nyah nyah." What the heck is that??!!!
Your Honor, I'd like to have this witness stricken from the record, and also stricken with a case of Gallonofleechesinhisshortsitus. The defense rests, your Honor. Thank you.
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