Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hatfield McCoy Mancation

If anyone (posters or husbands of posters) is interested, we always welcome extra people on our annual trip to West Virginia to go riding.


Rob said...

The trip includes free entertainment from Arik in the mud... video proof:

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

I did watch the vid - while it was a somewhat cool clip, I can't justifiably say that I was "entertained". Thanks for trying, but then again, what should I expect for free?

Big A said...

The reason you are not entertained is because I made it through this year. Usually I get stuck in that particular hole which is far more entertaining...

Unfortunately, we don't have video from the time I got stuck the day before, but we do have some still photos... along with some other oddities. see our trip report from day 1 last year:

gagknee said...

some guys just don't get it.