How many of you all are gamers?? I for one, am not. But, I'm really thinking of putting the XBox on my Christmas list. I happened to be on the Charlotte campus this week, and let me tell you, this place was nuts with all the Halo coverage. They had several huge rooms setup so people could try out the game. It was total geekville, but was still fun to watch. The setups were pretty impressive ... all the plasmas and projectors they had setup made me think of some cool ideas for a home theatre! And we reached $170 million on the FIRST day! Largest entertainment launch ever! (Take that Harry Poter!) Go ahead, make fun of me ... I'm a geek, I can handle it. BTW, if anybody wants it, I can get cheap copies :) Have a great weekend!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Posted by
11:56 AM
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Is it only on XBox platform, or can you get it for PC?
only for the xbox ... how do you think we sell so many xboxes :)
Its amazing how much media in all forms leads the American sheep right along by the nose. No, I'm no big gamer. No, I'm no geek. No, I'm not a sports nut. Heck, I don't go nuts over a particular tool brand. But right now, Halo posters and ads are everywhere and if we don't run out and set ourselves up, we might get left behind!
And what's with all the "we" stuff, DBA? Are you getting a commission from that 170 mil? Sorry. I'm not even the slightest bit thrilled. Like I've said before, if it's your thing, knock your socks off. Just thought I'd mention mine are still in place.
On a positive note, you posted!!! That deserves a commendation at least. Congrats! Your medal is in the mail! (Just to warn you, its embossed with a picture of Jammin)
Stop Picking on DBA, and everyone else for that matter, you deep-fried, over-the-edge, buttered-rum, reafer-smokin, pirate-posing, happy-pill evading, grumpy-dwarf relating, brainy smurf emulating, wet-blanket saturating, freakin fruitcake. (sorry for all that, wife didnt like me writing jackass. so to show respect for her I decided to not write jackass)
(to be read with a stewie griffin voice, if you dont know it, google it) Hey B, how ya doin? It's all good. Just given you some new material for that novel you've been writing. You know that novel that you've been writing for three years. You know the novel. Something new to write about now, ya know. Maybe a main character, uhhh, gets into a relationship. Suffers a little heartbreak. Something like you're experiencing. Something like you've just been through. Draw from a little uhhh little life experience. A..uhh...little heartbreak, ya know. Work it into the story. Nake those characters a little more, uhhh, three dimensional. A little original experience for the reader. Keep those second hundred pages keep the reader guessing whats gonna happen. Some twist and turns. Everyone learns the heroes journey is not always a happy one.....ya, I look forward to reading it.
First of all, Mr. Jammin - what the ?!?!
Second, I was not picking On Mr. DBA, I was only sharing my opinion. If anything I was picking on the advertisng industry. So DBA likes the game - I have no prob with that. I was just saying I'm not worked up over it. I like what I like, and don't need companies to tell me what I like, I can choose for myself. My #1 game of all time is still Morrowind. I can even read Daedric now. (I know - you're saying "Huh??")
DBA - have fun with the game. Really. Geek out all you want - it's your life, so live it. Jammin on the other hand, can kiss my jackass! (Sorry Mrs. Jammin - he made me do it!)
And are you calling me a dog now? Granted a smart one, but still... Granted, shares my name, but still... Granted, gets drunk and drives through buildings and drags his butt on the floor and has a gay cousin, but still...
I'll finish the book some day...
I came THIS close to buying an XBOX360 last week (actually, my FIRST choice was the PS3 because it is clearly the superior hardware, but there are NO games for it.) but after some serious thought, I decided that the video games should be for the kids (which Halo 3 certainly is NOT), so I bought a Wii instead.
Although - this kind of ties into graybeard's point about the advertising - I know a guy who got so caught up in the Halo hype, he went out and bought Halo 1, 2, AND 3 last week. I asked him what the point was and he didn't even know - he just thought he should have them.
auxnygcnThanks Big A!! I appreciate the comment, and it's great to hear from you! My whole point wasn't don't go and buy the game. I'm not even knocking the game. I'm sure it's a spectacular game - it would have to be to keep up with the way things have progressed in leaps and bounds, especially since we grew up in the "Atari 2600" era. My point was let me decide for myself what I like, don't overwhelm me with hype and ads and pressure deciding for me what I like. I know from plenty of experience that word of mouth is THE BEST advertising. I don't need posters and commercials and Burger King and Wal-mart and internet ads and million dollar company execs to tell me where to spend my money and if I don't, I'm a loser. I can handle that on my own. ;)
Feel free to run with that one, Jammy. I can handle that too. You chubby lil rascal!
First off...what are you doing home at 12:38pm?????? comment says 11:38am....
what kind of idiot buys 1, 2 and 3 all at the same time?
it's not lord of the rings or even shrek.
thats just dumb.
i hope you made fun of him, big a.
oh wait, was it damian? hahahaha
Gee...and your comment isn't far behind that time, so I guess we can ask you the same thing. But, I was at home cutting, sanding and shaping some oak stair treads, risers, and handrails, incase you just had to know, and yes, I am allowed an occassional break, you slave-drivin' wacko! Your turn! Oh, wait, we already know - something to do with turkey rustlin', from the looks of it. That turkey looks like it was in quite the panic - were you wearing your "Big Buck" costume again? No wonder it was terrified...
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