Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Love My Job!!!

I get to visit a lot of different places because of the travel my jobs involves ... last week I got to see Andrew and Allen, this week I got to attend the Yankees - Red Sox game in Yankees Stadium!!! We lost, but it was still an amazing experience.


Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Oh, sure. Just sit back and rub it in. Next, add salt, some iodine, a dash of sulfuric acid, a pinch of sand and a lemon wedge. Rub in until the patient spontaneously combusts. I'll be in your suitcase if anyone is looking for me...

Jammin said...

try having two of which is a true red blooded SOX fan, ....and the other sits watching the games with her YANKEES HAT AND YANKEES SWEATSHIRT on!!!...ends up being a great conversation starter when out in public....not to mention fun teasing from both camps at home :)

gagknee said...
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gagknee said...

dude. it's your kid. spank her for wearing that crap.

dbageek said...

no kidding ... that's just blasphemy. the more important question is who bought her the hat?

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

My my. I'm a fan of the Fisher Cats, because not only are they local and professional, but they don't make you mortgage their house to be fan nor do any of their players fleece you in any way, especially for an autograph. Other than that, I could care less less about "Professional Sports" and their logos, names, brands etc. At least Jammin lets his kids think for themselves, and loves them for who they are. Kinda reminds me of some higher power I seem to remember - loves us for who we are, right or wrong. Don't get me wrong - have fun with your sports teams all you want. I could care less, and if it makes your day to support them, then have at it. But I'm a professional in my trade - does that mean I get to fleece people just because I'm in their presence?

You go, Jammin. And you go, Jammin's daughter of the NY clan, just for going against the grain. You know what you like and stick with it. Next time I see you, I'll bow to you. Tell your dad to remind me if I forget.

Ok, so maybe I've made a few enemies today. I'm only speaking my mind, and I don't mind if you take it with a grain of salt and call me a fool for not following the path. At least a few of us are blogging here, and THAT'S what this whole place is all about!

P.S. Eat my shorts! ;)

Jammin said...

the only one in my clan that gets spanked is me ..... but thats another story for another time....:)

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Just for the record, I kept my promise today. I saw Mr. J's daughter, complimented her for her steadfastness in the face of adversity and bowed. Yes, I bowed. And J. can confirm this, 'cause he was right there. Now, I'll refrain from further pro sports comments, and let the rest of you have your fun. Just because it's not my thing, doesn't mean that I don't think that you should enjoy yourselves in it. Good luck, and may the best team win!

gagknee said...

aren't you closer to the seadogs than the fisher cats?

gagknee said...

sea cats, fisher dogs...stupid names these minor league teams have nowadays.

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Fisher Cats - Manchester, NH, 35-40 minutes from me; Seadogs - Portland, ME, over an hour. Besides, since I live in NH, I have to go with a NH team. Perhaps they don't get the money the Majors do, but then again, they don't pass the paying of their overblown salaries on to me. Not that I follow them much either. Just a preference over my arm and leg being passed along.

Of course, I guess being named after footwear beats being named after animals. I guess. Hmmm.