Wednesday, July 25, 2007

DUES is due

As some of you may have noticed, the "members" area has gotten much smaller....the reason for this is that the $100.00 a month dues is due as of the first of every month. IF your name does no longer appear on the side bar, then your dues was either not paid on time, or not accepted at this time. IF you would like to have your name placed on the side bar, please mail all $100.00 money orders with an additional $25.00 late fee, if so required, to me directly. (email me for my mailing address)
Just as a side note,....anyone whose name has been removed should be ashamed for not having your dues mailed in on time, and......huh?....(what?...cant you see that i'm typing right....) HOLD ON PEOPLE...sorry for the interruption. (what?...what do you mean my name is not on the sidebar?...I thought i gave you that check to be mailed.....well, i dont know ....dont yell at me about......ok ok i got it.....ANYWAY, it seems that there has been a slight misunderstanding here, and i guess in my goodnaturedness, I (ok ok) WE will be waiving the late fee.....GOTTA GO!


dbageek said...

ok, ok, so i lost some blogs in the redesign. sorry!! send me an email or post your personal blog here if you want me to re-add it to the list :)

cthaviland said...

you can add mine back on....
