Monday, May 09, 2005

Update to "Favorite color" post.....

Seeings it has been widely accepted that my answer of white, which allows us to appreciate all the other colors in the spectrum, was basically a wiseguy comment....i figure i will clue you in on what my favorite color REALLY is.....!!!!!!!!! CHROME !!!!!!!!!!
AND MORE CHROME!! Posted by Hello


Jammin said...

There you have it ask and ye shall receive.....sound clip ..huh ...sure ...i can do

Jammin said...

Thank you Donna, nice to hear from you. I will be riding down that way soon go where the bike takes me. Chris, and JP, have added additional "chrome" accessories today and windshield. P.s. the only "ape" accessory to the bike would be my goat. Thanks! LOL

justhavinfun said...

Nice :) Looks Great!!