Monday, May 09, 2005

Question for you all....

What did you do this weekend....??keep it clean...remember this is a family show...Chris and Kiley....dont make me say this


dbageek said...

changed diapers, fed baby, didn't sleep much, met up with parents for mother's day.

Alan said...

Washed the car (finally), took Nikita to the park, went out with Tara's parents for Mom's day. Then, Tara and I babysat some one year old twins and and a three year old. The three year old was easy. We just had to load up Blues Clues in the DVD player and keep him feed with PB sandwiches and juice. The twins on the other hand, were a little more challenging, but not too bad. Feed 'em, change 'em, and put 'em to bed. The tough part was ignoring all the crying.

cthaviland said...

We went to NY for my nephews first communion, then spent mother's day with doug's parents and his brother and sister. We had a good time, the kids played non stop with cousins, which made for a really quiet 3 hour car ride home.......yeah!

justhavinfun said...

We're redoing our deck, so we worked on that on Friday. Went to visit Mark's grandmother and mother on Saturday (my mother is in FL, so we didn't get to visit her). Went to church on Sunday and then out to lunch, and that was about it. The rain held up the deck work, so we hope to get a lot done on it this weekend :)