Saturday, April 23, 2005

Sommer Joy Thompson

age 6...lost her first tooth tonight, after a little prodding from her dad to keep wiggling her loose tooth, even though it hurt a little. After going to bed, she yelled downstairs within 5 minutes to tell me that her tooth was now sidewards and that it felt "weird"... .
jack-o-lantern girl... Posted by HelloWithin minutes she calmly yelled downstairs again that her tooth was out. I'm not sure who was more excited. I think it was me, because after taking a couple of pictures and explaining that she needed to put it in a plastic bag for the toothfairy, she asked if she could go to bed because she was
toothless Posted by Hello
tooth number 2 the next night (sunday) Sommer on left and Autumn on right Posted by Hello


justhavinfun said...

Congrats on the lost tooth! Jordan had her first lost tooth back in February, and the second one came out the next night, so the tooth fairy better be ready :) So far she's only lost the two, but it's not for a lack of trying, wiggling, etc. It is a very exciting time!! Have fun!

Jammin said...

Thanks j for the thoughts...makes me wonder if sommer is reading this...she pulled her second loose tooth out tonight, same as jordan, two nights in a row...i have enclosed a new pic with both lower front teeth missing. The tooth fairy is gonna go broke if she keeps this

cthaviland said...

What little beauties you have there.....

Jammin said...

Good God woman!! what are you thinking.....TRIPLETS?!?!?! Are you insane????? Lets get a second opinion of that...Hey Shaun...YOU WANT TRIPLETS RIGHT ABOUT NOW??? lol