Friday, January 07, 2005

Which Email Program Do You Use

I'd like to find out which email program everybody is using. Please vote now!


Bubbaloo Magoo said...

I had to vote "email? what's email?" only because Juno uses it's own email program, which either downloads them directly, or I can also check them on the web. We will soon be going with either Comcast or Verizon, though, which will nice - see ya, dang dial up!

dbageek said...

dial up? ouch ... Verizon rocks ... that's what I've been using for a couple years. They also give you a free paid MSN account - good for 2 gig worth of email storage in a hotmail account :) and many other perks not found with cable providers.

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Thanks for the tip - I was going to ask what would be better. Verizon just sent a notice recently saying it was now available in our area - last year it wasn't available, and it was only, I think, a month ago that we would be able to get it. Soon. Very soon!

dbageek said...

i'm playing with templates ... check out and let me know what you think of the layout.