Wednesday, January 19, 2005

OH NO!! They're HERE!!!

You've asked for them. You've been warned that they were coming. Now they make their Grand Reunion! It's CHARLIE & BART!!! Please note, faint of heart or stick-figure activists should NOT click "Read More". You've been warned.

I thought I'd start with a remake of a classic C&B, then came up with a similar new one. I tried to recreate them as authentic as the original, but 14 years may have faded the memory a tad, but I doubt it. NO STICK FIGURE WAS HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS NON-ART!!

A Charlie and Bart Thanksgiving Posted by Hello

A Charlie and Bart Christmas Posted by Hello

Hope this brings back a laugh or two. And for those unfamiliar with Charlie and Bart, Charlie is the bully and Bart the little guy, and when we finished school that year, Bart had gotten justice! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

dbageek said...

nice job dude!!!