Wednesday, January 05, 2005

It's Snowing

Hey everyone,
It's snowing out here in the mountains of Colorado. So, what do you say if you all meet me to hit the slopes out here?


dbageek said...

i'm in!!! be right there

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

I recognized everyone but you at first! Must've been the beard in the picture! It's great to see and hear from everyone again! It's snowing here as well - it just started. Not enough yet for skiing, but by tomorrow, who knows. Where at in Coloroado? My closest friend moved back out there recently. He's in Boulder - anywhere near you? More later - take care!

soccerkcs said...

Good to hear from you too, Brian. I am in Colorado Springs now! Boulder is about 2 hours away (it's north of Denver.