Thursday, January 13, 2005

Captain Graybeard & Captain Blogger (the masked bandit strikes again)

This is a mutiny.......a-a-a-a-hem, you, all of Y-O-U are now our prisoners. This page, unless more postings come in from others, has been taken over by the masked bandit and Graybeard. This has now become the medium by which our insanity shall spill over onto the pages of your lives, and eventually ...TAKE OVER THE WORLD (evil laugh, evil laugh, evil laugh) We are in the process of resurrecting Charlie and Bart. Yes, that's right. Be afraid, be very afraid. (evil laugh, evil laugh, evil la...) what?! No. Yes, yes, yes dear. I'll be back later, my wife is calling for supper.

1 comment:

Bubbaloo Magoo said...

Charlie and Bart. Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Charlie. Bart. Bart. Charlie. Hee, Hee! Charlie and Bart! I like the "spilling insanity" part, too! Ahhhhh, a place for the for the insane to call home...