without looking the meaning up anywhere....give your best definition of the word "blatherskyte". You must give a definition, and use it in a sentence. Need to here from at least the following, and if I don't I can and will find you, and if I can't, I got people who can!!! (evil laugh, evil laugh)
- Jenny
- Donna
- Suzie (if back yet)
- chrispath
- paqguy
- graybeard
- Nursie (I mean NurseC) ha ha
- Alan
- Rick
- Can't ask my wife cause I stole this idea (and word) from her blog
that's easy ... it's one who blathers :) for example, donna. when she talks, she goes on and on and on about who knows what. blah, blah, blah, blah ... that's a blatherskyte.
That's an easy one. "To desire to be on the ice instead of doing something else".
"I'd much blatherskyte on der ice den be zitting on ze couch, vondering vhen dis foot iz going to get better."
It's a combination of the words blog, lather, sky, and tea. So rather than telling someone on your blog that you are lathering up for a shave while looking at the sky and drinking some tea, you can just say "I'm blatherskyting right now - be back soon" and they will know what you are doing.
A ruddy duck. ;)
And speaking of your wife's blog, what is the address for that one again? Ever since you went into hiding with your profile, I can't get to it anymore, and can't remember what the name of it was. Let me know so I can pop in once in a while!
It's a bird, it's a plane,....no way!....it's a blatherskyte?
I will post my idea that I used on my wife's blog. I will post the correct answer in a couple days.
blatherskyte-(N.) a woman who exaggerates to an extreme to demand attention to her exploits.
Three of the local blatherskytes can spin a tale with the expertise of their bolshevik husband counterparts.
bonus: Bolshevik-(N.) male story teller who is full of....(squish squash) oh man these were new shoes!!
Don't bother, Ben. If you think that we all haven't already hit the dictionary out of plain ol' curiousity, then you have been out in the snow a little too long. I did NOT look it up when I posted my first two comments, but where do you think I got the "ruddy duck" thing? (That was the 2nd definition) Certainly by now everyone's cat has been killed and they looked it up. Oh, and I don't doubt you, but in my dictionary, it's spelled with an "i" instead of a "y", but my dictionary is very old anyway. Sorry! I'm only human! ;)
Now, now, Jenny-Jen-Jen. I didn't give away the definition! I just said that we've looked it up after posting our guesses. The "ruddy duck" thing was a secondary, obscure definition that was in there, yes, but it wasn't the main def, so feel free to guess at what that is. But in the future I will be sure not to mention that we've already cheated after-the-fact. Don't shoot! I surrender! ;)
Well, well, well, this worked out very nicely now didn't it. Almost all of you responded. We'll have to try this game again in the future. As bryan, I mean Brian, (ha) mentioned that you all probably looked the definition up, then that saves me some time. If you haven't looked it up, then... Thank you all for your contributions. Jenny, if you never figured out that I was full of it before, glad to see that you figured it out now. Of course that characteristic is dominantly available at this point. Thanks for the compliment, but.....baby, you ain't seen nothing yet.
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